Please be aware that we will not be having holiday cards this year

Holiday Hours:
Open Christmas Eve from 11:00-12:00
Closed: Christmas Day & Dec. 26th
Open New Years Eve 11:00 -12:00
Closed: New Years Day

Financial Donations are our biggest need

The Shepherds Table Soup Kitchen needs your “FINANCIAL HELP” to ensure people experiencing homelessness and that are struggling receive the food they need to make it through each day. We remain  committed to meeting the needs of those we serve all year round even during this crisis.

We are taking precautions to help those in need while keeping social distancing, limited number of people in an area and adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines while keeping our essential services available for those in need.

If you receive a stimulus check and you are truly not struggling please consider  donating it to us and our mission so that we can help those that are in need of help.

If you have been blessed and had a meal today we would like to ask you to give a donation to help feed someone who isn’t as fortunate as you today, tomorrow or possibly for some time in the future. Many guests live a moment away from homelessness. An injury or sudden illness, loss of a job, domestic violence, lack of affordable housing – homelessness has many triggers.

These are our neighbors and people who are truly struggling at this point in their life. They stand in line outside in inclement weather, to be humiliated by hundreds of people passing them by as they wait in line for a simple meal.


A random act of kindness is often its own reward.


Serving Hours:
M-F 11AM to Noon

Our Mission

To provide a mutual ministry between the people of the Raleigh area – those who have and those who have not – by providing food obtained by donation and served by volunteers. In this manner, the true spirit of communion, that of sharing God’s gifts with God’s people, can be carried out in a caring and non-judgmental atmosphere.


Office Hours:
M-F 9AM to 5PM

I will give up a meal through grace, and want to provide one to someone else in my place.

Our Story

The history behind our wonderful kitchen!



Click to open a map & directions

Speak up!

Let us know how we’re doing

# of Guests Served Last Year

Awesome Volunteers per Week

Sponsor a Guest for a Month